Moore Pushes Ridiculous Islamophobia Claim – Patheos (blog)

Christian fascist Roy Moore, the odds-on favorite to be the next Senator from the state of Alabama (and you didnt think it could get worse than Jeff Sessions), is casually passing along the ridiculous claim that Sharia law is being imposed on cities in the Midwest while admitting he has no idea what hes talking about.

There, reporter Jeff Stein of the website asked him, Some right-wing conservatives think Sharia law is a danger to America do you?

Moore responded, There are communities under Sharia law right now in our country. Up in Illinois. Christian communities; I dont know if they may be Muslim communities. But Sharia law is a little different from American law. It is founded on religious concepts.

Says the man who claims that American law is all based on the Bible and that any law that conflicts with the Bible is unconstitutional! For crying out loud, the lack of self-awareness is absolutely mind-blowing.

Stein pressed Moore to name the communities under Sharia law. He responded, Well, theres Sharia law, as I understand it, in Illinois, Indiana up there. I dont know.

Says the man who wrote an opinion saying that the state had the power of the sword and must use it to punish and discourage homosexuality. So its okay when Christians advocate that, but when Muslims advocate the very same thing, thats totally different and un-American. Fascinating. And notice how he admits that he doesnt know, but someone told him that so hes happy to claim it. Come up to Dearborn with me, Roy, and Ill show you all the liquor stores and strip clubs. Thats one of those communities where ignorant bigots like you claim Sharia law is being enforced. No one who lives there seems to have noticed, including the 60% of the population that isnt Muslim.

Ignorance, stupidity, hypocrisy, a total lack of concern for whether what he says is true or not. Yep, those are the telltale signs of a Christian fascist.

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Moore Pushes Ridiculous Islamophobia Claim - Patheos (blog)

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