Law legalizing heroin antidote on Statehouse agenda today


A third reading on Senate Bill 406, also known as Aaron's Law, will be done at the Statehouse today. The law would put a heroin antidote in the hands and homes of everyday Hoosiers.

First responders and law enforcement has been have been equipped with Narcan for almost a year. Narcan is an antidote that can save a life if someone overdoses on heroin. Supporters of the bill say that over the past year, one thousand lives have been saved using Narcan in Marion County alone, including more than 200 this year alone. It's the next step, they say, in curbing what many call a heroin crisis in the state.

"We're not permitting the use of heroin," said Republican Representative Jim Merritt. "We're acknowledging we have addicts in our homes, and Narcan is needed to save lives, so this is an anecdote that is needed today. The next step is to treat those addicts so that maybe we can change our communities with the addiction to heroin."

Indiana's heroin problem also impacts children. A dramatic increase in Children in Need of Services cases (commonly called CHINS cases) are being filed in Marion County juvenile court. There was a 45% rise in these types of cases in 2014. So far in 2015, they have increased by 62%.

Juvenile Court Judge Marilyn Moores describes this increase as putting Indianapolis "youth in crisis." With that in mind, Moores is helping launch a new campaign called "We Care about Indy's Kids" to get help for abused and neglected children as a result of heroin addictions and use. That announcement will be made later this afternoon.

Aaron's Law will have a third read in the House today. Then, it will be on to the Senate for approval.

See the article here:

Law legalizing heroin antidote on Statehouse agenda today

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