Neo40: Is it a miracle supplement?

Health Home>>>> Written by: Dr. W. Gifford-Jones, QMI Agency Sep. 8, 2012

Several months ago I reported on a unique drug, Neo40, which has now been approved by Health Canada. To find out more about Neo40, which is available in health food stores, I interviewed Dr. Nathan Bryan, professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Texas Health Center in Houston and creator of the formula.

G-J: What is Neo40?

NB: Neo40 is a lozenge that contains L-Citrulline, an amino acid derived from protein, vitamin C, beet root and hawthorn, a potent combination that produces nitric oxide. Early in life our bodies manufacture large amounts of nitric oxide (NO). But after age 40 production of NO decreases. This sets the stage for hypertension, kidney dysfunction, diabetes, heart attack or stroke, just to name a few major illnesses. It's called the "miracle molecule" because it helps so many diverse problems.

NB: The discovery of NO resulted in a Nobel Prize for three U.S. scientists and now over 130,000 scientific papers about this molecule have been published in medical literature. NO is produced in the inner lining of all blood vessels. Lay a single layer of these cells on a flat surface and it would occupy a soccer field. The cells cause arteries to relax, thus lowering blood pressure. But with insufficient NO, arteries constrict, resulting in hypertension, bringing increased pressure in the heart and other organs.

G-J: But there must be more to NO than the dilation of blood vessels.

NB: Experiments show that NO prevents blood platelets from sticking together, decreases plaque formation and chronic inflammation in arteries, all factors that increase the risk of heart attack. Other research shows NO lowers triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and raises good cholesterol. And it prevents bone destruction from osteoclasts.

G-J: Can N0 help the epidemic of type 2 diabetes?

NB: High blood sugar destroys the circulatory system and 50% of diabetes patients die of heart attack. Diabetes causes insulin resistance which makes it hard for glucose to enter cells. Raising NO levels helps to control these problems and also decreases the risk of diabetic ulcers and gangrene of the legs by improving blood flow.

G-J: Does NO help other conditions?

Read the original post:

Neo40: Is it a miracle supplement?

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