These are all the ways you have to upload music to YouTube Music – InTallaght

Once Google has solved the problem that many users of the old Play Music had to keep their libraries on the new platform, some wonder if they can continue updating it with new content to have offline in the future. And the answer is yes since those of Mountain View continue to respect all the requirements that they already had in place with the previous app.

And we could summarize those limitations in three important points: we can only have a maximum of 100,000 songs stored in the cloud, it is only possible to enjoy this function in the event that our YouTube account is personal (and not branded) and, finally, that these uploads can only be done through the computer. Never from the official app for smartphones or tablets.

It must be said that this time, the upload process has been simplified, or rather, it is more efficient than the previous one from Play Music that it was failing a lot. While in that one an external app was necessary that we had to install on our computer (the drag and drop gave many errors), now Google has forgotten about that to manage everything through the web. Chrome preferably.

The first of the methods is that of touch on the image of our avatar and in the menu that appears in the account, choose Upload music. Then a computer window will appear so you just have to go find the location where we have stored the topics that we want to save in the cloud. In this way, it is possible to choose a few, or all the albums and songs.

The second is, as you can see just below, an old acquaintance of Google that we can also use in Photos, which is the drag and drop. You will simply have to take the folder, or folders, that you want to upload to YouTube Music to start the process. When finished, they will appear in the most recent ones, in case it is necessary to edit the artists name, album title, year of publication, cover, etc.

As always, and to avoid mistakes on the upload, keep in mind that the allowed formats are the FLAC, M4A, MP3, OGG and WMA, And that all those files will be mixed with the ones that the platform itself has in such a way that there will be occasions when what you are listening to will be the theme that YouTube Music has and not yours. Anyway, there is the possibility of accessing only the uploads, leaving aside the content that the platform has.


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These are all the ways you have to upload music to YouTube Music - InTallaght

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