The Newest Instagram Update Lets Everybody Watch You Video Chat With Your Friends –

If you've ever FaceTimed with a friend and wished you could share your hilarious conversation with the world, Instagram has got you covered.

The photo-sharing app announced on Tuesday that it's started rolling out a new update, which allows users to add a friend to their Instagram Live broadcasts. Basically, at any point throughout your livestream , you can tap the icon of two smiley faces in the bottom right corner of your screen and invite any of your current viewers to join your video. If they accept, they'll show up below you in a split screen, and all of your viewers will be able to watch you interact with your new co-star.

According to a blog post from Instagram, "You can remove your guest and add someone else at any time, or they can also choose to exit on their own." As usual, once you've ended the livestream, you can choose whether to upload the video to your Instagram Story or discard it forever. And don't worry if the feature isn't showing up in your Instagram app just yet "this feature is currently testing with a small percentage of our community and will be rolling out globally over the next few months," according to the blog post.

Instagram is billing the update as a way for users to catch up with friends, "whether you're just doing homework or catching up on your day," but it could also cause major FOMO (fear of missing out) as your Insta followers watch you laugh it up with your bestie onscreen. The new feature seems like it could potentially worsen mental health issues that a recent study says are already linked to social media usage: Earlier this year, the U.K.'s Royal Society for Public Health published a study that found that Instagram negatively affects young people's anxiety, depression, loneliness, sleep, body image, and FOMO, and worsens bullying. "Platforms that are supposed to help young people connect with each other may actually be fueling a mental health crisis," explained Shirley Cramer, chief executive of the Royal Society.

While this definitely doesn't mean you need to delete your Instagram account and swear off Snapchat, you should always keep in mind that the perfectly posed and filtered pics you see online are not real life. And if you choose to use Insta's newest feature, be mindful of the followers you're leaving out, and consider switching to a private video chat if you and your co-livestreamer are only interacting with each other and ignoring your viewers.

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The Newest Instagram Update Lets Everybody Watch You Video Chat With Your Friends -

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