Rage | Millennial Mind Upload

As long as you unlock the beast it does not matter

Unsleashed my glow will slay you,

Grey and dark,

My light reflects


After the burn out epidemy there is another plague we humas indulge into: the chronical, multifactorial, incurable mobbing syndrome. The mobbed individuals see themselves as victims but they are only higher evolved humas. Innate superiormorality served by an overdose of emotional intelligence triggers feelings of danger in the mobber. Threat reactions allows mobbers to find the Achiles heel of the mobbed one: empathy. Can empathy be turned off? Can we train this on/off switch?

A lot has been written on negative effects of mobbing. Are there any positive ones? NO! Can we shift the negative into constructive? YES: through creation! By artistical expression and/or creativity we are offered not onlythe possibility to let it out but also we are empowered by the fulfillment of the result and so are offered theoption of letting go, neutralizing rage. Remember that negative feelings activate our creativepotential also and using this can be trained.

The lines aboveinspired by mobbing for all the beasts of creativity, all empathy addicts:a single ray of light slays an ocean of darkness. You are the light!

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Rage | Millennial Mind Upload

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