New Font Styles on Instagram Stories: How to Find and Use the New Font Styles – Parade

No, quarantine isnt making you lose your mind. (Well, maybe; but not about this.) The fonts on Instagram Stories have officially changed and now feature new text styles like italics, outlines, and more.

According to Instagrams official Twitter, the app began rolling out the new font feature on April 29, 2020. As it does with most new features, IG rolled it out as a test run by only granting access to a small amount of users. On August 3, 2020, Instagram came back with a follow-up tweet, announcing that new IG Stories fonts would now be available to all.

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These four new text styles are in addition to the original styles were all accustomed to and each feature their own personalized backgrounds. So, if you use the Garamond-esque typeface option and decide to add a background, it automatically adds a rectangular box with sharp edges. If you choose the Comic Sans-esque optionwhichBustle is calling Comic Sans Lite, for nowyour font background will be a sort of splashy, brushstroke-esque background.

While many IG users are excited to have more personable font options than the few standard serifs and sans serifs we had before, there are still a lot of users confused about how to access these new fonts.For everything you need to know about how to use the new Instagram Stories fonts, keep reading!

Yes! Youve seen and heard correctly: There are new text styles now available to all users on Instagram as of August 3, 2020. These new styles include Comic Sans, what looks to be a Garamond type font, an italicized serif, and outlines.

Instagram still has not yet released the names of each of the fonts, leaving many people to wonder and simply choose font styles for their Stories based on aesthetic preferences.

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The new fonts on Instagram Stories are where they always have been! To use them, simply take a picture or upload a picture to your Story, then tap the Aa icon all the way in the top right of the screen. Youll then be able to type and swipe between nine different text style options.

As always, you can still choose alignments, colors, and backgrounds at the top of the screen, as well as the font size by toggling the bar on the left side of the screen. When youre satisfied with your typing, tap Done in the top right corner and youll see your text appear on your Story.

Of course, you may not be able to access the new fonts if your Instagram app is not up to date.

Not seeing the new fonts automatically pop on your Instagram Stories? No worries! To access the new rollout of fonts, you have to make sure that your Instagram app is up to date with the latest version.

So, you want to access the new fonts on Instagram Stories but arent sure if your app is the latest version. How can you tell if your app is up to date?

If you have Apple iOs, go into the App Store and tap your picture icon in the top right of the screen. UnderAvailable Updates, you should see a list of apps that are ready to be updated. If Instagram is listed there, then once its fully updated, youll be able to access the new fonts. Tap update to start the update process, then when the icon goes away, the update is over and you can launch the app like you normally would.

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If you have Android, head over to the Play Store Home screen and tap the Menu icon in the upper left. Tap My apps & games. Then, you should see Instagram. Tap the Instagram app to update. Once the update is over, you should be able to enjoy the new font styles on Instagram Stories like the rest of us!

Next up, how to use Instagram like an influencer.


New Font Styles on Instagram Stories: How to Find and Use the New Font Styles - Parade

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