How to Do a Cool Mathematical Mind Reading Trick: 14 Steps

You ask the spectator to pick a number from 0 to 9 in his/her head. Later on after some steps they pick another number from 0 to 9. After one more step they tell you the answer and you can tell them the two numbers they picked in the same order!


Ask them to pick a number in their mind from 0 to 9. ( Let's say 2 ).


Tell them to double the number. ( 2+2=4 ).


Tell them to add five to the new number. ( 4+5=9 ).


Tell them to multiply the answer by five. ( 9*5=45 ).


Now tell them to remember the answer. ( 45 ).


Ask them to pick another number from 0 to 9. ( in this case 4 )


Ask them to add this number to their answer. ( 45+4=49 ).


Ask them to tell you the answer. ( 49 ).


Listen to it carefully and then in your mind subtract 25 from the total. ( 49-25=24 )


The first digit of the answer YOU get in your mind after subtracting 25 ( 24 ) is the first number they picked ( 2 ) and the second digit is the second number they picked ( 4 ).

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How to Do a Cool Mathematical Mind Reading Trick: 14 Steps

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