Biotechnology could extend criminals' lives to make punishment last HUNDREDS of years

This is the scenario being explored by researchers at Oxford University They claim life extension tech could mean prisoners serve longer sentences Philosopher Dr Rebecca Roache also writes in her blog that a time distortion pill could make people feel like they were in prison longer Another scenario the group looked at was uploading mind to a digital realm Running it a million times faster than normal would enable the uploaded criminal to serve a 1,000 year sentence in eight-and-a-half hours

By Ellie Zolfagharifard

PUBLISHED: 05:37 EST, 14 March 2014 | UPDATED: 12:54 EST, 14 March 2014



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Sentencing a criminal to 1,000 years in an artificial hell may one day become a reality.

At least, that is the claim of scientists at Oxford University who have been exploring controversial technologies that could extend human life.

They say billions are being invested in techniques that could mean the cruellest criminals will be kept alive indefinitely in condition befitting their crime.

Last year, a team of scientists led by Rebecca Roache began exploring technologies that could keep prisoners in an artificial hell

See the article here:

Biotechnology could extend criminals' lives to make punishment last HUNDREDS of years

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