Migrant Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

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Also called migrant worker. a person who moves from place to place to get work, especially a farm laborer who harvests crops seasonally.



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OTHER WORDS FROM migrantnonmigrant, adjective, noununmigrant, adjective

Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2023

That phrase later became shorthand for nasty statements about refugees and other migrants.

So unless youre in a specific group, like migrant workers or refugees or Palestinians in the occupied territories, youre insured, and youre part of the system.

This comes just before the Lunar New Year festivities, when migrant workers all over China expect to head home to celebrate the holiday with their families.

As we saw with the migrant workers, the year 2020 impacted Indias most vulnerable severely.

It has since grown from an international focus to include assistance for migrants along the southern border of the United States.

Dehydrated and feeling weary, Marino lay down beside another migrant under a tree and fell asleep.

With the help of a Jamaican migrant worker, he returns to his homeland to find his father.

The actor transformed from a sensual Marilyn Monroe to a whimsical Salvador Dali to a starving migrant mother, seamlessly.

While migrant ship tragedies at sea happen all too often, the latest sinking appears to have been no accident.

GNRD has zealously fought to eliminate abuse of Nepalese migrant workers in Qatar, the organization said in a statement.

Common migrant; breeds in the North; a few may winter in the State.

Migrant; rare, if not accidental; only one specimen, and that a female.

Migrant; occasionally winter resident; not known to breed in State.

Rare migrant; range extends only to foothills; no record of its breeding.

Common migrant; occurs from the plains to the great height of 13,000 feet.


a person or animal that moves from one region, place, or country to another

an itinerant agricultural worker who travels from one district to another


moving from one region, place, or country to another; migratory

C17: from Latin migrre to change one's abode

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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