34 Menopause Symptoms

Many women experience some physical and emotional symptoms during menopause, caused by hormonal imbalance. Typically, a woman will begin to experience menopause symptoms around her mid-40's as her body's reproductive capability comes to the end.

This prolonged stage of gradually falling and fluctuating hormone levels is called perimenopause, which can last upwards of two years before a woman's final period. For most women, perimenopause symptoms end at menopause; however, some symptoms will continue.

http://www.34-menopause-symptoms.com was designed to guide women through the menopausal transition with knowledge, ease, and peace of mindmenopause. It contains helpful information about menopause treatments and practical suggestions for relieving menopause symptoms.

Women can look here for expert advice on any of the 34 menopause symptoms, whether it be hot flashes, night sweats, irregular periods, loss of libido, and vaginal dryness, or any other.


Hot flashes, also known as hot flushes, are a sudden, transient sensation of warmth or heat that spreads over the body, creating a flushing, or redness, that is particularly noticeable on the face and upper body. The experience of hot flashes can range between delicate flushes and a sensation of engulfing flames.

Hot flashes result from the body's reaction to a decreased supply of the hormone estrogen, which occurs naturally as women approach menopause. Not all women experience hot flashes, but more than half do. For some women, estrogen production decreases gradually, producing fewer hot flashes. But for others, the ovaries stop estrogen production more abruptly; for these women, hot flashes can be a rollercoaster ride. About 75 to 85% of American women are estimated to experience hot flashes during menopause.

Postmenopausal women are still at risk for enduring the pains of menopause. Certain symptoms, such as hot flashes, are highly common. Hot flashes can be extremely disruptive and may continue well into the later years of life. Women must learn how to recognize and manage this unfortunate persistent symptom of growing older.


Night sweats are classified as severe hot flashes that occur during sleep accompanied by intense bouts of sweating. Also known as sleep hyperhidrosis, night sweats aren't actually a sleep disorder, but a common perspiration disorder that occurs during sleep in menopausal women. These episodes of nighttime sweating can range in severity from mild to intense, and can be caused by hormonal imbalance combined with environmental factors, such as an excessively warm sleeping environment.

34 Menopause Symptoms

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