Siddha system of medicine to be offered for COVID-19 treatment in Puducherry – The New Indian Express

By Express News Service

PUDUCHERRY:Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamysaid that the administration isplanning to introduce the Siddha system of medicine treatment for COVID-19 patients by opening a separate hospital for it .

He said that it is beingsuccessfully offeredin Tamilnadu and several patients have got cured of the infection. A team of siddha doctorswould be sent to Chennai to learn the treatment modality and soon it will be introduced in ahospital for Siddha treatment.

Thosewho prefer to take treatment under Siddha system of medicine could opt for it, he said.

Pointing out that 200 new COVID-19 cases were reported in Puducherry today, the chief minister said that it is because Puducherry is doing more tests. Puducherry, Karaikal and Yanam regions of the UT were affected much. Mahe regionis Covid free.

The administration is taking all steps to provide adequate treatment to the affected persons, he said and added that as per the views of medical experts there could be six thousand positive cases here by the end of this month.

Even then, only 600 to 700 of themwould require hospitalization intensive care and treatmentwhich will be provided at the Covid hospitals of IGMCRI and JIPMER.

The others would be taken care at Covid care centres and at their individual homes.

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Siddha system of medicine to be offered for COVID-19 treatment in Puducherry - The New Indian Express

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