Scottsdale Weight Loss Clinic Phoenix Integrative Medicine Now Offering Discounted Modified HCG Diet Program Including …

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., July 31, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Phoenix Integrative Medicine, the leading Scottsdale weight loss clinic, is now offering the Modified HCG Diet for a significantly reduced price of $149. The veteran weight loss doctor at the clinic, Dr. Andrea O'Connor, maintains over a 90% success rate with the HCG Diet Scottsdale program. A B-12 injection is included with the program as well.

The conventional HCG Scottsdale program only permits a person's diet to include 500 calories a day. With the modified HCG program though, individuals are allowed over 1000 daily calories with a larger variety of foods. Also, patients are able to participate in increased activity, whereas, the traditional HCG diet does not permit any exercise at all.

Along with incorporating a higher amount of calories in the diet, the modified program also includes a higher HCG dose, with the resulting weight loss seen being no different than the traditional program. The modified program is better tolerated by people than the initial restrictive program.

"The modified program we utilize works significantly better than the conventional, restrictive HCG diet. People have more energy, no headaches, and we have also seen it helping reduce chronic pain anecdotally. Our success rate exceeds 90% with the modified program," said Medical Director Dr. Andrea O'Connor.

Also included with the modified program are 2 follow up clinic visits along with a B12 injection, which helps with jump starting weight loss and boosting energy. The average weight loss seen with the modified HCG program exceeds 30 pounds, regardless of whether the HCG sublingual drops or injections are used. Dr. O'Connor uses both types of HCG.

People interested in the modified HCG program at this $149 special rate should call (480) 252-3799 for more information and scheduling. People may also schedule directly on the website.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit

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Scottsdale Weight Loss Clinic Phoenix Integrative Medicine Now Offering Discounted Modified HCG Diet Program Including ...

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