Personalized Medicine – A Global Market Overview

NEW YORK, Aug. 16, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

`Personalized Medicine can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. For some, it may relate to doctors having knowledge about their case history and the treatment received, which is a morale boosting factor, since everybody wants caregivers who can comprehend an individual's problems. The day is not very far when this level of personal or individual understanding between a patient and a doctor would be much deeper than hitherto anticipated. The coming decade is expected to witness an increase in the use of companion diagnostics and personalized medicines, with pricing incentives and efficiency improvement propelling the market. Current market leaders with diagnostic divisions focusing on biomarker identification would be at an advantage.

This report review, analyze and projects the personalized medicine market for global and the regional markets including the United States, Europe and Rest of World. The market numbers illustrated in this report only represent the market exclusively for the product segments and technologies enunciated above. The market, in this report, does not include the associated hardware equipment or software technologies that are used to manage patient data. The study includes recent and current trends related to technology and the market along with the key industry developments.

The market for personalized medicine product types analyzed in this study includes Targeted Biologics, Proteomics & Genomics, Genetically Modified (GM) Products, Wellness & Disease Management, Other Molecular Diagnostics and Self/Other Diagnostics. The report also includes the market analysis for application technologies of personalized medicine Pharmacogenomics, Point-of-Care Testing, Stem Cell Therapy, Pharmacoproteomics, Pharmacogenetics and Other Technologies. The report analyses the global market in terms of USD Million.

This 350 page global market report includes 43 charts (includes a data table and graphical representation for each chart), supported with meaningful and easy to understand graphical presentation, of the market. The statistical tables represent the data for the global market by geographic region, product type and application technology. The report covers the brief business profiles of 56 key global players and 77 major players across the United States 45; Europe 24; and Rest of World 8. The report also provides the listing of the companies engaged in research and development, manufacturing, processing, supplies and distribution of personalized. Also enlisting the academic institutions engages in personalized medicine, the global list covers the addresses, contact numbers and the website addresses of 395 companies.


1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Product Outline1.1.1 Personalized Medicine's Influence on Large Scale Studies1.1.2 Gazing into the Crystal Ball: What the Future Holds for Personalized Medicine1.1.3 Ramifications of Personalized Medicine for Healthcare Systems1.1.3.1 Pharmaceutical Industry1.1.3.2 Diagnostics Industry1.1.3.3 Insurers1.1.3.4 Physicians1.1.3.5 Government Agencies1.1.3.6 Patients1.1.4 Analysis of Personalized Medicine by Segment1.1.4.1 Targeted Biologics1. Overview1. Targeted Biologics for Breast Cancer: An Illustration1.1.4.2 Proteomics & Genomics1. Proteomics1. A Complex Problem1. Post-Translational Modifications1. Phosphorylation1. Ubiquitination1. Other Modifications1. Genomics1. Pharmacogenomics1.1.4.3 Genetically Modified (GM) Products1. The Genetic Engineering Process1. Applications of Genetic Engineering1.1.4.4 Wellness & Disease Management1. Wellness Defined1. Disease Management Defined1.1.4.5 Molecular Diagnostic Technologies1. DNA Sequencing1. Biochips and Microarrays1. Cytogenetics1. Personalized Medicine Based on Molecular Cytogenetics1. Personalized Medicine Based on Cytomics1. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Genotyping1. Applications of SNPs Pertinent to Personalized Medicine1. Haplotyping1. Application of Proteomics In Molecular Diagnosis1. Gene Expression Profiling1. Personalized Medicine and Molecular Imaging1. Diagnostics Based On Glycomics1. Combining Diagnostics and Therapeutics1. Point-Of-Care (POC) Diagnosis1. Genetic Testing For Disease Predisposition1.1.5 Analysis of Personalized Medicine by Technology1.1.5.1 Pharmacogenomics1. Drug Metabolism1. Applications1.1.5.2 Point-of-Care Testing1. Tests that are Most Apt for Specific Scenarios1. Advantages1.1.5.3 Stem Cell Therapy1. Treatment with Stem Cells1. Current Therapies1. Future Treatments1.1.5.4 Pharmacoproteomics1.1.5.5 Pharmacogenetics1. Prediction of Drug-Drug Interactions1. Integration of Pharmacogenetics with the Healthcare System1. Pharmacogenetic Tests1.1.5.6 Other Personalized Medicine Technologies1. Biochips1. Genetic Screening1. Metabolomics1. Molecular Diagnostics1. Pharmacodynamics1. Pharmacokinetics1. SNP Genotyping1.1.6 The Rationale Behind Personalized Medicine: "One Size no Longer Fits All"1.1.7 The Human Genome: What is It?


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Personalized Medicine - A Global Market Overview

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