Latest emergency medicine research highlights social issues

Public release date: 14-Oct-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Julie Lloyd 202-370-9292 American College of Emergency Physicians

WASHINGTON Leading researchers in emergency medicine will present more than 400 studies during ACEP13-Scientific Assembly, the annual meeting of the American College of Emergency Physicians in Seattle, Washington. Sponsored by the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Research Forum will be held on Level 3, The Conference Center from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on Monday, October 14th and Tuesday, October 15th. The Conference Center is part of the Washington State Convention Center.

Researcher physicians will present their latest findings in emergency medicine research, focusing on topics ranging from pediatrics to geriatrics, including toxicology, pain, injury prevention and public health. To search Research Forum by topic, presenter, title and time, visit:

From noon to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, October 14th, in room 302 of The Conference Center, the Research Forum Awards Luncheon will feature a session on the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute's push for comparative effectiveness research with speaker Eric Hess, MD.

At 4:00 p.m. on Monday, October 14th, in room 301 of Level 3 of The Conference Center, Dr. Jeremy Brown, the Director of the Office of Emergency Care Research (OECR) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will deliver the keynote address. An ACEP member and emergency physician, Dr. Brown will discuss how this new research center is organized and how it can help emergency care researchers. The OECR coordinates and fosters basic, clinical and translational research and research training for the emergency setting. The NIH is the largest federal agency dedicated to medical research. The formation of the OECR in 2012 was heralded as a significant advance for emergency medicine investigators and emergency patients and the fulfillment of a longstanding goal of ACEP and SAEM.

Each day of the Research Forum will feature a special "state-of-the-art" presentation in room 301 of The Conference Center: Ed Panacek, MD, FACEP, will moderate the presentation on Monday, October 14th at 1:00 p.m.; and Don Yealy, MD, FACEP, will moderate the presentation on Tuesday, October 15th at 8:00 a.m.

The Research Forum will close with a panel session, Cutting Edge: Highlights of Emergency Medicine Research, highlighting some of the most significant emergency medicine research, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15th, in room 301. The session will be moderated by Deborah Diercks, MD, FACEP and panelists for this event will include Judd Hollander, MD, FACEP, William Mallon, MD, FACEP and Scott Weingart, MD, FACEP.

Members of the news media can pre-register until September 30th at

Obtain credentials (and the latest daily news about the conference) in the Media Relations Office located at the Washington State Convention Center in room 212. An adjoining News Media Workroom is available for use by the press, and has telephones, internet connections (computers not provided) and workspace to conduct interviews. Members of the media who display ACEP13-Scientific Assembly press credentials have access to all educational sessions, the general session, the Research Forum, and the Exhibit Hall.

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Latest emergency medicine research highlights social issues

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