Art Work Album Narendra 01.mpg – Video

Art Work Album Narendra 01.mpg
Awareness Drive for setting up centers to help handicapped persons, to become self sufficient and confident individual in the society. by Narendra Limaye. GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES AND OTHERS!!!!!! Dear Friends , In 1999, I was 13 years old when informed by a friend that I will die in 3 to4 months. His both parent are doctors and was treated in their clinic. He further enlightened me that, there is no medicine on copper poisoning and there is no chance of my survival. My father searched on internet and found out that there is medicine available in America since last 20 years and Wilson #39;s disease patients improve and can lead normal life if treated properly. But in India Doctors and parents of the patients showing symptoms were ignorant and patients were left untreated or wrongly treated to their death. I was normal and as healthy till the age of Eight. In 1994, onset of Wilson Disease, also known as Copper Poisoning started and I was infected by repeated Jaundice for 6 times in eight months. I was wrongly diagnosed and treated wrongly even though Blood test for Wilson Disease was confirmed in 1994. I have observed that, in our country, there is no awareness of the disease and many patients die because they are wrongly diagnosed therefore patients die prematurely. Few if at all survive when treated late; remain handicapped for life needing lots of money and continuous intensive care is required. I have seen that there are many patients who cannot afford the ...From:Subhashchandra LimayeViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:36More inNonprofits Activism

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Art Work Album Narendra 01.mpg - Video

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