Xavier leads the nation in African-American medical graduates

Xavier University leads the country in the number of African-American graduates who finish medical school, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges.

In 2011, the latest year for which numbers are available, 60 black Xavier alumni received medical degrees. Howard University was second with 48, and the University of Florida placed third with 26.

This is consistent with Xavier's long-standing reputation as a major source of African-American medical students. It led the country in this category for 15 years until the heavy damage the campus sustained from Hurricane Katrina in August 2005forced Xavier to close for six months. As a result, enrollment dropped.

But Xavier is on the rebound. In 2011, association figures show, 68 African-American graduates went on to medical school, second only to Howard, which had 87.


Xavier leads the nation in African-American medical graduates

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