Pre-med, pre-health students can get latest on medical school admissions

Providing pre-medical students up-to-date information on requirements for medical school, and expanding the diversity within the medical profession, will be the focus of the second annual Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Conference set for Saturday, Jan. 18, at Cal State San Bernardino (CSUSB). The conference will take place 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Broadening Horizons, Empowering Students, Improving Communities is the theme for this years conference. Last year, the conference drew more than 300 participants.

Highlighting a wide professional array of keynote speakers and panelists, the event also will feature a Health Professions and Recruitment Fair, as well as workshops addressing topics such as medical school admissions, writing personal statements and choosing a specialty after completing a residency.

Keynote speakers at the conference will be Stefano Bertozzi, dean of the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley; Petros Minasi, director of Pre-Medical Programs Content Development at Kaplan; and Sarah Lopez, currently working under a fellowship in emergency medicine hospital administration at USC.

The conference will open in the universitys Santos Manuel Student Union with the keynote presentations, panel discussions, recruitment fair and lunch. The panel discussions will feature deans of admission from various medical schools.

In the afternoon, conferees will move to CSUSBs College of Education building and Jack Brown Hall for the dozen-plus workshops.

Cost for the all-day conference is $45 at the door. Admission includes all-conference access to keynote speakers, workshops, the health professions fair, a Pre-medical Pre-health Conference T-shirt, breakfast, lunch and automatic entrance into various opportunity drawings.

The conference is organized entirely by CSUSB pre-med students.

To register or find more information, go to the conference website at

For more information on Cal State San Bernardino contact the universitys Office of Public Affairs at (909) 537-5007 and visit

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Pre-med, pre-health students can get latest on medical school admissions

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