Medical School Open House Targets Regions Future Doctors

Event on Saturday, May 16 is geared towards local high school and college students interested in pursuing a career in medicine

By Jessica Kump on April 13, 2015

UCR medical students will participate in hands-on demonstrations during the School of Medicine Open House.

RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( The UC Riverside School of Medicine is hosting an open house on Saturday, May 16, 2015 for community members interested in exploring what its like to be a UCR medical student. Medical school leadership, faculty and students will lead sessions and demonstrations focused on what it takes to get into medical school, the admissions process and key aspects of the medical student experience.

A CPR training demonstration will take place at the School of Medicine Open House on May 16, 2015.

The open house runs from 8:00 a.m to 12:00 noon at the UCR School of Medicine Education Building. It is free and open to individuals and groups, but RSVPs are requested. Complimentary parking will be available in Parking Lot 13.

To register for the event, visit A PDF flyer for the event is also available to download.

Scheduled activities during the open house include a panel discussion with medical school students, basic life saving demonstrations, simulation lab demonstrations, and an admissions discussion with medical school leadership.

Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs Neal Schiller said he looks forward to leading the admissions discussion.

Every outreach event in our community shows me how much potential exists in our regions future generations, he said. I look forward to seeing many faces light up when they realize they can become doctors, they can succeed here. I know many of those faces will come through our doors years later, donning a fresh white coat, ready to begin.

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Medical School Open House Targets Regions Future Doctors

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