Mayo Medical School Receives AMA Grant to Speed Change in Medical Education

Released: 6/14/2013 11:00 AM EDT Source Newsroom: Mayo Clinic

Newswise ROCHESTER, Minn. -- Mayo Medical School has been awarded a grant from the American Medical Associations Accelerating Change in Medical Education program to develop a curriculum to better prepare students for the fast-changing world of health care. The medical school, with operations at Mayo Clinic campuses in Minnesota, Arizona and Florida, will receive $1 million from the AMA program over five years.

Mayo Medical School Dean, Sherine Gabriel, M.D., credits the schools selection in part to its work with partners across Mayo including Mayo Clinic Health System, Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery, Office of Population Health Management and Quality Academy, and organizations such as Arizona State Universitys School for the Science of Health Care Delivery, the High Value Healthcare Collaborative and Dartmouths Center for Health Care Delivery Science.

This award allows us to create a new model of undergraduate education that will prepare future physicians to better care for their patients and themselves and to lead in transforming American health care, Dr. Gabriel says.

Mayo Medical School is working with Arizona State University (ASU) to expand Mayos medical school to the Phoenix metropolitan area. Students at all Mayo locations will have the option of completing an ASU masters degree in the science of health care delivery as they earn Mayo medical degrees. The masters degrees components include social and behavioral determinants of health, health care policy, health economics, management science, biomedical informatics, systems engineering and value principles of health care.

The health care landscape is changing so quickly, and we need to ensure that medical education keeps pace, says Michele Halyard, M.D., vice dean of Mayo Medical School. We are eager and ready to implement the transformative changes needed, such as the science of health care delivery degree, with ASU to respond to the future needs of patients.

Mayo Medical School enrolls 50 medical students each year. It received 4,327 applications for those spots last year. The Arizona expansion will allow additional students to enroll. The medical school is integrated with medical practice and research at Mayo Clinic.

The AMA grant program drew proposals from more than 80 percent of AMA-accredited medical schools. Eleven were selected to receive $1 million grants over five years. AMA wants to establish a learning consortium with selected schools to rapidly spread best practices to other schools.


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Mayo Medical School Receives AMA Grant to Speed Change in Medical Education

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