Impressive 2013 Residency Matches from Caribbean Medical School UMHS St. Kitts

The University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS), a family owned medical school known for its personalized approach to education, proves that some Caribbean medical schools are still a viable alternative for students not accepted into domestic MD programs.

St. Kitts, West Indies (PRWEB) April 11, 2013

Caribbean medical schools are a popular alternative for American and Canadian students unable to gain admission to overwhelmingly competitive domestic schools. However, over the past 10 years, the quality of Caribbean medical schools has at times been questioned. The recent for-profit education boom has seen several foreign medical schools bought by Wall Street backed corporations and investors. Some say this has caused a shift in their focus from educational quality to high profits wrung from over-enrolled lecture halls.

UMHS is owned and operated by the Ross family, who were early pioneers of the industry, developing one of the original and most successful foreign medical schools. With their latest institution, UMHS, they seek to bring academic quality and individual attention back to the Caribbean. Their philosophy of always putting students interests first appears to be paying off, as the schools residency track record is unprecedented for such a young school.

Among the most impressive placements for UMHS students in 2013 are:

With demand for physicians continuing to grow, and US medical school acceptance rates still below 50%, alternative educational paths such as the Caribbean are more important than ever. Students should be aware that some Caribbean medical schools are of poor academic quality, and should carefully do their due diligence. Residency track record and placement are among the most telling signs of an institutions potential for success.

About UMHS:

The University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS) is a Caribbean medical school, founded in 2007, offering a Doctor of Medicine degree program. Students begin their basic science studies in St. Kitts, West Indies, and complete their clinical training in teaching hospitals throughout the United States. UMHS prides itself on its state-of-the-art campus, small class sizes, high student retention, and excellent USMLE passing rates.

For more information about UMHS, visitors should check out the University's website or Caribbean medical school blog: the UMHS Pulse. Prospective students, advisors and faculty can call toll free at 866-686-0380.

Ryan Ross University of Medicine and Health Sciences, St. Kitts 212-868-0855 607 Email Information

See original here:

Impressive 2013 Residency Matches from Caribbean Medical School UMHS St. Kitts

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