Governor says he won’t back UCR medical school

California Gov. Jerry Brown said Friday hes not prepared to support funding the UC Riverside medical school at a time when the state still faces a $9 billion deficit.

Brown asserted that position during a talk at The Press-Enterprise that ranged from his tax proposal to high-speed rail, pension reform and drivers licenses for illegal immigrants.

Im not ruling it out, but Im not ruling it in right now, Brown said of funding for the medical school. Weve got to get our house in order before we expand.

While acknowledging he hasnt looked at the schools merits, Brown said he is less inclined to fund it when the University of California regents havent committed any of the systems state funding to the school.

The medical school has been in the works for years and originally was set to open this year. But so far, UCR officials have not been able to secure ongoing state funding.

UCR leaders are pushing ahead with private fundraising the goal is $10 million a year for the next decade and hope to open the school next year, but with only 50 students to start. To be viable long term, though, the school must have ongoing state support, UCR officials have said.

The money has yet to be included in any of the governors budget proposals.

Browns comments about the medical school go against what Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said during a visit to Riverside last week.

Feinstein sent a letter to Brown urging him to support the medical school, and during a speech before the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce, she urged local officials to contact the governors office on the issue.

I am going to need your help to call on our great governor and say, Jerry, youve got to find $15 million, she said. It can be found.

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Governor says he won’t back UCR medical school

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