Faculty Positions at the SUSTech Medical School for Advanced Study job with Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) | 290090 – The…

Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) (http://www.sustc.edu.cn/en) isoutstanding for its missions which require the university to seekout modern university systems and a cultivating mode of innovativetalents with Chinese characteristics for our highereducation.

Since its inception in 2012, SUSTech has quickly risen to a top 10university in mainland China. Located in Shenzhen, arguably themost dynamic and vibrant city in China, we have unique advantages,including but certainly not limited to: 1) a new university withinnovative spirits and little traditional barriers; 2) bilingualeducation with lectures conducted in English and/or Mandarin,attracting top global talents; 3) an internationally competitivestartup package that allows many PIs quickly build a team withdedicated researchers; 4) a highly collaborated environment withstrong administrative and scientific support.

SUSTech Medical School offers equal opportunity and welcomesapplicants of all ethnic backgrounds who can contribute to theexcellence and diversity of our academic community. Applicants mustpossess a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree, demonstrated researchexcellence, and strong teaching ability. Candidates with clinicalbackground and a translational focus are encouraged to apply. Aglobally competitive start-up package will be provided tosuccessful candidates. Salary and rank will commensurate withqualifications and experience.

We sincerely invite you to join the medical school ofSUSTech.

Recruitment Field:Physiology, Neurobiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Immunology,Pharmacology, Human Anatomy and Histoembryology, Pathology,Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, Basic medicine, Clinicalmedicine,Life sciences and interdisciplinary fields.

All applicants should submit the following documents tohr-med@sustech.edu.cn and remember to mark your application emailby Name+Position:(1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) a Statement of Research and TeachingInterests.

Additional Information

Ms. Yajing Wang,Department of human Resources in School ofMedicine;+86-755-8801 8031

For more recruitment information, please visit:http://med.sustech.edu.cn/index.html?locale=en_US

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Faculty Positions at the SUSTech Medical School for Advanced Study job with Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) | 290090 - The...

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