AMSA hosts medical school made easy event

Published:Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Updated:Wednesday, March 14, 2012 21:03

The process of applying for medical school could seem somewhat overwhelming for prospective students. To help alleviate some of this stress and help students better prepare for applications, The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) will be hosting their second annual Medical School Process Made Easy event on Saturday, March 17 in the D.P. Culp Auditorium. This event will provide a step-by-step guide to applying for medical school. It was really a success last year, said Casey Lawson, chair of the event. We had a little over 100 students show up. This year we have kind of expanded it where its not just ETSU. The admissions director of ETSUs Quillen College of Medicine has sent out emails to neighboring schools, Lawson said. Students from Western Carolina, Virginia Intermont, Carson-Newman and King have all signed up. Registration is free and is open to all students who are interested in attending. The event is able to host up to 200 students, and spots are still available. We want to make sure we have enough resources to make sure we can manage what we need to do, Lawson said. This event will include mock interviews, a dress and appearance seminar, an application workshop, and a current events seminar. The AMSA and Captain Carlson of the U.S. Army will sponsor a free lunch for those who attend. Doug Taylor, dean of admissions, will also be speaking to talk to students about what people see when an application is being viewed. It really helped a lot last year and we got some really great feedback, Lawson said. We want to get some surveys after this time to get some more feedback and see what we can improve to make it better. Hopefully this will continue. Medical School Process Made Easy will be open to anyone considering medical school as an opportunity to see if the student is really dedicated enough to do all the things they have to do, but it is primarily targeted for people who are set on going, said Lawson. If youre serious, you need to have the information ahead of time so you can prepare. Josh Eckelberry, biology major with a concentration on biochemistry, attended the event last year and highly recommends it for anyone considering medical school. Its been a big help working on applications. It makes you realize what it takes Even if youre not premed, its really helpful for an job interview and having interview skills. They have a nice workshop with that. It was a big help, and kind of an eye opener. The event begins at 12:30 p.m. in the Culp Center Auditorium, but attendees should arrive at noon to talk to the medical schools, which will be set up at that time. Everyone will be set up in the Atrium, and the event will last until approximately 7 p.m. In the last 45 minutes of the event, a medical school committee members and staff and student will be on stage to answer questions. To register, go to

AMSA hosts medical school made easy event

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