When Are We Going to Start Designing AI With Purpose? Machine Learning Times – The Predictive Analytics Times

Originally published in UX Collective, Jan 19, 2021.

For an industry that prides itself on moving fast, the tech community has been remarkably slow to adapt to the differences of designing with AI. Machine learning is an intrinsically fuzzy science, yet when it inevitably returns unpredictable results, we tend to react like its a puzzle to be solved; believing that with enough algorithmic brilliance, we can eventually fit all the pieces into place and render something approaching objective truth. But objectivity and truth are often far afield from the true promise of AI, as well soon discuss.

I think a lot of the confusion stems from language;in particular the way we talk about machine-like efficiency. Machines are expected to make precise measurements about whatever theyre pointed at; to produce data.

But machinelearningdoesnt produce data. Machine learning producespredictionsabout how observations in the present overlap with patterns from the past. In this way, its literally aninversionof the classicif-this-then-thatlogic thats driven conventional software development for so long. My colleague Rick Barraza has a great way of describing the distinction:

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When Are We Going to Start Designing AI With Purpose? Machine Learning Times - The Predictive Analytics Times

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