Putting the Humanity Back Into Technology: 10 Skills to Future Proof Your Career – HR Technologist

Dave Coplin believes that the key to success for all of our futures is how we rise to the challenge and unleash the potential that AI and machine learning will bring us. We all need to evolve and fast. He looks at the10skillswe can nurture tofuture-proofour careers

I have been working with global technology companies for more than 30 years, helping people to truly understand the amazing potential on offer when humans work in harmony with machines.

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I have written two books, Ive worked with businesses and governments all over the world and recently Ive been inspiring and engaging kids and adults alike, all with one single goal in mind, which is simply to help everyone get the absolute best from technology.

The key to success for all of our futures is how we rise to the challenge and unleash the potential that AI and machine learning will bring us. We all need to evolve and fast.

In an age of algorithms and robots, we need to find a way to combine the best of technological capability with the best of human ability and find that sweet spot where humans and machines complement each other perfectly. With this in mind, here are my top ten skills that will enable humans to rise, to achieve more than ever before not just at work but across all aspects of our lives:

When it comes to creativity, I absolutely believe that technology is one of the most creative forces that we will ever get to enjoy. But creativity needs to be discovered and it needs to be nurtured. Our future will be filled with complex, challenging problems, the like of which we will never have encountered before. Were going to need a society of creative thinkers to help navigate it.

While the machines are busy crunching numbers, it will be the humans left to navigate the complicated world of emotions, motivation, and reason. In a world of the dark, cold logic of algorithms, the ability for individuals to understand and share the feelings of others is going to become a crucial skill. Along with creativity, empathy will be one of the most critical attributes that define the border between human and machine.

As well as teaching ourselves and our families to be confident with technology we also need to be accountable for how we use it.

Just because the computer gives you an answer, it doesnt make it right. We all need to learn to take the computers valuable input but crucially combine that with our own human intuition in order to discover the best course of action. Our future is all about being greater than the sum of our parts

One of creativitys most important companions is curiosity it is the gateway to the best way to be creative with technology. We now have at our fingertips access to every fact and opinion that has ever been expressed, but we take this for granted. And what do we choose to do with all that knowledge? Two words, cat videos. Im being playful of course, but part of the solution is to help all of us, especially kids, be curious about the world around us and to use technology to explore it.

Critical thinking will be the 21st-centuryhumans superpower. If we can help individuals both understand and apply it, we can, over time, unleash the full potential of our connected world. We should constantly question content we see, hear and read - and not just assume its true.

One of digital technologys key purposes is to connect humans with each other. Communicating with others is as essential to our future survival as breathing and yet were often just not that good at it, especially when were communicating with others who arent in the same physical space.

Learning to communicate well (and that includes really effective listening) regardless of whether that is on-line or off-line is one of the basic literacies of our digital world.

Building on our communication skills, collaboration is the purpose for much of the reason behind why we need to communicate well. Technology enables large numbers of people to come together, aligned around a common cause but we can only harness the collective power of people if we can find the best way to work together to unleash our collective potential.

The future doesnt stand still and now more than ever, that means neither can we. While we used to think about education as a single phase, early on in most peoples lives, the reality is that learning needs to be an everyday occurrence, regardless of our age or stage of life. Thanks to new technologies like artificial intelligence, skills that are new today will be automated tomorrow and this means we can never afford to stand still.

The by-product of a rapidly changing world is that we need to help people learn to embrace the ambiguity such a world presents. More traditional mindsets of single domains of skills and single careers will have to give way to the much more nebulous world of multiple skillsets for multiple careers.In order to make the transition, people are going to need to find a way to preserve and develop enough energy to be able to embrace every new change and challenge so that they can both offer value and be valued by the ever-changing society they are a part of.

Learn More:5 Skills You Should Develop to Keep Your Job in 2020

As a technologist, and an optimist, we need to remember that the machines and algorithms are here to help.The success of our future will depend entirely on our ability to grasp the potential they offer us. Regardless of the career we choose, our and our childrens lives will be better, more successful, happier and more rewarding if we are confident in how we can use technology to help us achieve more at work, in our relationships and in how we enjoy ourselves.

None of these skills were picked by chance.They were specifically picked because they are the very qualities that will complement the immensely powerful gift that technology brings us.Better still, these are the skills that will remain fundamentally human for decades to come.

Now is the time to think differently about our relationship with technology and its potential.We owe it to ourselves and our children to help ensure we dont just learn to survive in the 21st century but instead we learn how to thrive. If we can get this right for ourselves and our kids, we are going to get some amazing rewards as a result.

The rise of the humans starts with us, and it starts now

Learn More:The Rise of the Corporate Recruiter: Job Description, Salary Expectations, and Key Skills for 2020

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Putting the Humanity Back Into Technology: 10 Skills to Future Proof Your Career - HR Technologist

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