Ethical Machine Learning as a Wicked Problem Machine Learning Times – The Predictive Analytics Times

By: Sherril Hayes, Executive Director, Analytics and Data Science Institute and Professor of Conflict Management, Analytics & Data Science Institute, College of Computing and Software Engineering, Kennesaw State UniversityIn the 1950 and 1960s, social and behavioral sciences were at the cutting edge of innovation. Scientific techniques and quantitative analyses were being applied to some of the most pressing social problems. The thinking was If NASA can put men in space, why cant we use these techniques to solve the problems of housing discrimination and school desegregation? Despite the investment, effort, and professionalization of these fields, the consensus was that they were failing. Why? In 1973 Horst Rittel, a mathematician and Professor in the Science of Design at UC Berkeley, and his colleague Melvin Weber introduced the

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Ethical Machine Learning as a Wicked Problem Machine Learning Times - The Predictive Analytics Times

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