Mantality – Low Testosterone Treatments

Suffering from low testosterone, or low t, can mean that you may have the low testosterone symptoms of fatigue, weakness, poor sleep, poor concentration, decreased strength, loss of muscle mass and decreased libido. At Mantality, we confirm these symptoms through blood tests. Once confirmed, we can successfully treat low testosterone with testosterone replacement therapy also known as TRT. While many people hear testosterone, the blood test will help us understand your free testosterone.

Testosterone hits the blood stream in a few forms:

- SBGH or Sexual Binding Globulin, this testosterone is not available for use in the body.

- Estrogen, through a process called aromatization, the testosterone is changed to estradiol.

- Free Testosterone, the testosterone that is free to be used by the body.

At Mantality, free testosterone is what we recognize in the blood that is available to be used by your body. The name implies exactly what it is for, free use by the body. Free testosterone is also known as bioavailable testosterone as it is biologically available testosterone for maximum use by the body. But, is the rest of the testosterone gone?

We have a lot of men come to the office claiming their doctor or physician tested their total testosterone and claimed it was normal. While that may be true, a mans total testosterone could be within the accepted normal limits, however, free testosterone can be low causing symptoms of low t.

Mantality is able to treat the testosterone that is bound by the body allowing it to free up and become usable, meaning is it bioavailable testosterone. This allows us to treat the body using testosterone injections which helps bring the body back into hormone balance meaning you are now stronger, leaner, sharper and can take life on with no fatigue.

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Mantality - Low Testosterone Treatments

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