Doctors Address Low Testosterone Ads – CBS St. Louis

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) Theres a lot of ads out there about low testosterone, prompting local experts to share some advice.

Barnes-Jewish West County Urologist Dr. Christopher Arett at Washington University School of Medicine says theres no real definition of what constitutes low testosterone.

Testosterone typically, for the average population, is around 300 or higher, so 300 to 500 is often given as a normal range, he says. However, if youre below that level, it doesnt mean that you are going to have symptoms, and if youre above that normal, you may still have symptoms of low testosterone [if] at some point in life you had higher testosterone.

What are the symptoms of Low T?

What people may notice is decrease in energy level, decrease in sex drive, over the long-term low testosterone can decrease muscle mass, bone density, and increase truncal obesity, or beer belly, says Washington University urologist Dr. Dane Johnson.

Arett says men have to be tested for Low T no later than 10 a.m., because testosterone production is at its highest when men are asleep. Testosterone levels peak in the early morning, and as the day progresses, testosterone in every person decreases.

When your testosterone is taken during the day completely changes what their value will be, he says.

Arett says it is critical to have a good doctor-patient relationship when talking about whether or not you have low testosterone, because the symptoms are not specific and could be caused by other underlying health conditions.

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Doctors Address Low Testosterone Ads - CBS St. Louis

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