Center for Men | Tulsa Men’s Clinic | Tulsa Low T

Center for Men | Tulsa Men's Clinic | Tulsa Low T

The symptoms of low testosterone may include fatigue, weight gain, reduced sex drive, decreased motivation and more.

Learn about the symptoms

Dealing with the symptoms of low testosterone can be frustrating. Have you ever wondered what causes it?

Learn about the causes

Studies show that if not managed properly, low testosterone may increase risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Learn about the risks

The CFM mission is to provide an improved quality of life for men suffering from symptoms of low testosterone.

Understand the statistics. Reduce the risk.

25 Percent Twenty five percent of men suffer from symptoms of low testosterone?

30 Minutes Thirty minutes is all it takes to find out what your testosterone levels are.

40 Percent Forty percent of men with high blood pressure also have low-t levels.

Get tested today. Its quick, easy, and painless!

Start Here

Originally posted here:
Center for Men | Tulsa Men's Clinic | Tulsa Low T

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