My Bug out / Survival Bag Weapon of Choice Glock 19 NiBX – Video

My Bug out / Survival Bag Weapon of Choice Glock 19 NiBX
Here #39;s is my choice for a one weapon system for my bug out / survival bag. The gun shares a dual role as personal protection and for hunting. If the end of days came and I had to reley on just one weapon, this would be it. Any single gun would be a compromise, so it was up to me to determine what the least compromise would be and I chose the Glock 19, quite possibly the most common handgun today. The version I bought has the Nickel Boron (NiBX) coating on the slide and barrel for smoother action and increased longevity. It #39;s light, the ammo is powerfull enough while still being somewhat light to carry, and it #39;s small enough to be concealable when needed. My next choice would be a Ruger 10/22 takedown rifle. The rifle is much heavier than the Glock 19, the ammo much lighter and accuracy for hunting better. Ultimately the weight and lack of concealability of the 10/22 made me decide on the Glock. If I were to carry two weapons, the Ruger rifle would be my next choice. Let me know what you would chose and why in the comments! Thanks for Watching! (and sorry for rambling)From:Photo314159Views:5 1ratingsTime:10:04More inEntertainment

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My Bug out / Survival Bag Weapon of Choice Glock 19 NiBX - Video

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