Growing old vs active longevity

May 03, 2013

Different parts of our body regenerate and age differently for the duration of our natural lifespan. Ageing can be normal, can be accelerated or can be delayed the phenomenon otherwise known as anti-ageing.

In a previous article on nutri-genomics, we discussed the predispositions of our genes and how our lifestyle can influence how our body performs in terms of health. So how should we manage our lifestyle in order that we can better manage our delayed ageing?

In a best case scenario, a typical person ages at a normal rate but in most cases this happens at an accelerated rate. Our individual and unique genetic profile also means that all of us require a personalised delayed ageing or anti-ageing plan for successful ageing.

A successful ageing plan would ideally be evidence-based with suitable outcomes rather than just controlled trials with results. Therefore our plan would ideally be based on extending lifespan with optimal health that we have defined as active longevity.

Active longevity fulfils our desire to stay young, be beautiful and energetic synonymous with the prime of our lives.

Active longevity is achievable with the latest findings of how our body heals with peak performance and the technological advantage to achieve it.

The world population is advancing at a rapid pace and with families getting smaller by the decade and where within another generation, there will be two elderly to every child.

Wellness will not be attained by popping a pill for every illness and it is critical that we take action now for our personal well-being.

Read this article:
Growing old vs active longevity

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