What Causes Excessive Sweating – The Underlying Reasons of Those Sweaty Palms Or Underarms – Video


What Causes Excessive Sweating – The Underlying Reasons of Those Sweaty Palms Or Underarms
goo2.be What Causes Excessive Sweating – The Underlying Reasons of Those Sweaty Palms Or Underarms By Carolyn Anderson If sweaty palms or too much sweating on your underarms bothers you, you might be suffering from the medical condition called hyperhidrosis. People who suffer from hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is one who heavily sweats or one who constantly sweats even if not exposed to warm or hot environments or even when not exerting effort. To be able to understand how to deal with cases like this, it is best to understand what causes excessive sweating and why they occur. We normally sweat when we exert effort or when we are exposed to humid or hot environments but those who profusely sweat without these factors may have some other causes of their excessive sweating. Most often, this involves sweaty palms, underarms, feet, head or the groin area but some other would also involve sweating all over the body. Profuse sweating is not only a problem of wet hands or wet underarms and soaked clothing but it can also bring about foul odor as bacteria may thrive in these moist areas of the body. So what causes excessive sweating? There are a number of possible causes when you experience profuse sweating but the exact cause why profuse sweating starts is not yet determined. If you are experiencing excessive sweating to specific parts of the body only, like the underarms or feet, this is called focal hyperhidrosis and this case is linked to abnormal functioning of the …

By: Karlaage Isaksen<span style="color: #666666; font-size: 11px;"

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What Causes Excessive Sweating – The Underlying Reasons of Those Sweaty Palms Or Underarms – Video


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