Thoughts on Transhumanism From Humanity+ UK

An attendee at the Humanity+ UK 2010 conference offers thoughts on transhumanist goals: "The convergence of current technologies such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science (NBIC) and future technologies such as artificial intelligence, mind uploading, cryonics, and simulated reality, is truly inspirational. ... I think we all have a vested interest in Aubrey de Grey's idea that aging is simply a disease, and a curable one at that. His plan is to identify all the components that cause human tissue to age, and design remedies for each of them through his approach called SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence). Once we can extend human life spans by thirty years, we're well on our way to immortality. Aubrey de Grey claims that the first human being to live a thousand years has probably already been born. From the way he talks, the biggest challenge in the race against mortality is funding! So I highly encourage those of you with means and an interest to donate to the SENS Foundation. ... Another fascinating speaker was David Pearce, advocating the abolition of suffering throughout the living world. ... He argues that as we develop these technologies, it is both our moral and hedonistic imperative to rid all sentient beings of pain."

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