Reprogramming Autoimmune Disease

Greater understanding of the immune system means a greater ability to reprogram its components – such as errant immune cells that cause autoimmune diseases. From EurekAlert!: a study “describes a unique therapeutic ‘nanovaccine’ that successfully reverses [type 1] diabetes (T1D) in a mouse model of the disease. In addition to providing new insight into diabetes, the research also reveals an aspect of the pathogenesis of the autoimmune response that may provide a therapeutic strategy for multiple autoimmune disorders. … [Researchers] wanted to find a way to counteract the harmful autoimmune response without compromising general immunity. They discovered that our bodies have a built-in mechanism that tries to stop the progression of autoimmune diseases like T1D. Essentially, there is an internal tug-of-war between aggressive T-cells that want to cause the disease and weaker T cells that want to stop it from occurring … The researchers also developed [a] nanotechnology-based ‘vaccine’ that selectively boosted the weak white blood T cells, enabling them to effectively counter the damage caused by their overactive T cell relatives. … their nanovaccine blunted T1D progression in prediabetic mice and restored normal blood sugar in diabetic mice. … If the paradigm on which this nanovaccine is based holds true in other chronic autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and others, [nanovaccines] might find general applicability in autoimmunity.”

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