Grover Beach boy will get service dog thanks to fundraiser; more that 400 attend event

By Mike Hodgson/Associate Editor Email a friend Printer friendly

Lucas Appleton, right, plays with Tony Boy during a fundraiser Sunday at Mangos Saloon in Grover Beach. //Phil Klein/Contributor

A Grover Beach boy stricken with Friedreichs ataxia will get his service dog as a result of a fund-raiser that drew more than 400 people Sunday.

Nine-year-old Lucas Appleton, who suffers from the progressively crippling form of muscular dystrophy, managed to spend five hours at the event at Mongos Saloon, said his godmother, Linda McClure, who organized the barbecue that included a prize drawing, musical performances and a bake sale.

It was a huge success, McClure said. Lucas was so happy and so was his brother (William) and mother, Casandra.

We raised enough to get him a dog, with a small amount left over for a van, and were working on that now, she said.

A trained service dog, which costs $12,000 to $15,000, will help Lucas maintain his balance, turn on lights for him, pick up things hes dropped, help him through the familys narrow bathroom door and just be a companion.

McClure said about 450 people and a host of dogs attended the event that started at 10:30 a.m. and continued until Mongos closed that night.

She noted Lucas had asked to have a golden retriever or black Labrador retriever for a service dog, which might not be possible.

But a golden retriever club heard about his request and showed up with all their dogs.

See the rest here:
Grover Beach boy will get service dog thanks to fundraiser; more that 400 attend event


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