Grandma was right about prunes

Most of you know that I’m on the radio several times each month, taking calls from listeners with health concerns. I’ve noticed that one of the most frequent worries among female radio listeners seems to be osteoporosis – the loss of bone density often associated with age.  Here at Longevity Medical Clinic, the approach we always prefer to beat osteoporosis is to rebuild a patient’s natural bone density by restoring the level of endocrine support typically found in younger women. This is a much different and more far-reaching solution than the one preferred by the pharmaceutical industry, which favors using prescription drugs such as Fosamax. 

But here’s some interesting news. A study published a few months ago in the British Journal of Nutrition offers a simple, cheap, and tasty method of helping a woman to protect her bones.  Researchers found that consuming three ounces of prunes each day for one year resulted in a significant increase in bone density.  The study group included 238 postmenopausal women.  One half of the women consumed about three ounces of dried prunes per day, while the other half ate about three ounces of dried apples per day.  After one year the sample groups were compared using X-ray studies of multiple bone sites along with serum markers of bone turnover (the body’s natural process of replacing old bone with new bone).  The women who consumed the prunes were found to have significantly greater bone density than those who consumed the apples! 

So while an apple a day may indeed keep the doctor away, three or four prunes per day are more likely to give grandma stronger bones.

Of course, prunes don’t begin to provide all the other benefits that a woman derives from restoring youthful endocrine support.  As our patients at Longevity Medical Clinic can attest, achieving a more youthful hormone balance dramatically improves a woman’s mood, slows brain shrinkage, prevents hot flashes, and makes her skin looked 20 or 30 years younger. At the same time a youthful hormone balance will shift a woman’s metabolism away from fat and towards muscle. It even kick-starts her desire for romance and her physical capacity to enjoy it. And as if all that weren’t enough, we’ve found that proper hormone balance helps prevent hair loss, lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and generally helps a women feel and function like someone much younger. 

So I guess the bottom line is this: if you’re only concerned with your bones, and you’re willing to ignore the rest of your body and brain, prunes may do the trick. But if all those other benefits are important – and they are! – I suggest that consulting with the doctors here at Longevity Medical Clinic might be a worthwhile option for you. You’ll not only avoid osteoporosis, but you’ll improve your overall health and your quality of life dramatically. Give us a call and see for yourself.


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