Brain Health

Brain Health can be maintained as we age even in the face of Alzheimer's Disease, Memory Loss, Parkinson's Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by treating the underlying factor that effects brain function. Inflammation of the brain's nerve tissue is the common factor in these neurological disorders. Inflammation eventually leads to dysfunction and destruction of the normal neurological processes. Dr. David Perlmutter's research on these challenging neurological diseases has shown that the "brain is on fire"( There are very few pain receptors in the brain, which is why we do not feel warning pains of this type of inflammation of the nerve tissue.(Headaches are mostly caused byarterial inflammation in the brain, not by brain tissue inflammation.)

The approach to Brain Health at the Longevity Healthcare Center is to determine the imbalance causing inflammation andaim to relieve it. Although the brainhas regenerative capacity,it does require proper environmental and nutrient balance to restore optimal function.

Our comprehensive Brian Health Program addresses the health of the whole person. Treatment plans are designed to relieve the imbalance that causes the disease, aiming torestore optimal function. Simple symptom relief treatments commonly prescibe pharmaceutical solutions of "taking a pill", this doesnot address the underlying cause nor improve organ function.

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Brain Health

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