Litecoin (LTC) MimbleWimble: Non-Interactive Transactions Are Ready – U.Today

David Burkett, the developer of the MimbleWimble privacy protocol version for the Litecoin (LTC),released the second monthly dev update. It looks like he has made remarkable progress.

Since the MimbleWimble protocol is utilized forobfuscating transactions, the most crucial achievement is reached in this room. Mr. Burkett disclosed that he had found a way to erase theneed for the sender and receiver to communicate within the framework of thepending transaction.

Previously, both the sender and receiver were required to stay onlinewhen sending LTC. Instead of this, the new proposal supports receiving Litecoins (LTC) via cold storage. Thus, it upgrades the possibilities of hardware wallets usage.

Furthermore, Mr. Burkett re-considered the database framework to enable coin-agnosticatomic updates across multipletables. This feature has already been testedusing Litecoin (LTC) specifications and block models.

Finally, the developerreceived and appliedsecurity audit results for Grin++, so, both Grin++ & libmw codebases became 'significantly better'.

TheLitecoin (LTC) community supports the development efforts of Mr. Burkett by generous donations to compensate for his work. As U.Today reported previously, theLitecoin Foundation managed to collect $12,000 for the salary of Mr. Burkett while every dollar is re-doubled by Foundation leaderCharlie Lee.

Since final compensation for the developer is $6,000 per month, this sum guarantees four more months of MimbleWimble development.

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Litecoin (LTC) MimbleWimble: Non-Interactive Transactions Are Ready - U.Today

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