Want To Live Longer: 7 Essential Oil Therapies That Can Promote Long Life

The longer you live, the better it is for your life in general. Sooner or later, you will be left alone to take care of yourself. The use of essential oils for medical purposes has been known to humans from times immemorial. In the archaeological records, it has been found that even Neanderthal man used certain plant extracts for medicinal purposes. Most of these were crude preparations which included infusions, decoctions, and maceration in oil or fat. This method is  in Ayurveda and other herbal medicines even today.

Essential Oil Therapies

However, with advancements in modern science and technology. The way essential oils prepare will change a great deal over the past few centuries. Nowadays, much more refined methods, including distillation, expression, and solvent extraction. It will develop, making isolating individual compounds from plants much easier than before.

With these energy essential oils, You don't have to worry about your health issue any longer. They not only promote energy levels but also help you fight many health-related issues. So now you can easily say hello to good health with these essential oil therapies that can promote long life.

1) Myrrh

Ancient Egyptians have used myrrh since the times of the Pharaohs for its healing properties. It has antimicrobial effects that can treat bacterial infections like pneumonia and tuberculosis. Myrrh essential oil is also very effective in treating arthritis, gout, and rheumatism. You can use myrrh in an aromatherapy diffuser to revive your moods whenever you feel down.

Myrrh has anti-inflammatory properties to help relieve pain associated with any of these health conditions mentioned above. It's also suitable for skin care because the oil facilitates skin healing when applied topically.

2) Peppermint

Peppermint essential oil, another powerful oil that can promote long life, is a hybrid mint plant crossbred from water mint and spearmint. The main chemical components found in peppermint are menthol, menthone, pulegone, piperine, limonene, pinene, linalool, alpha-terpineol acetate, beta-caryophyllene, valeric acid, and many more.

Peppermint essential oil

The various compounds found in peppermint make it a powerful pain reliever. It will use to treat painful conditions like migraines, headaches, and arthritis. Peppermint oil is also known to have anti-inflammatory effects that help treat skin conditions caused by inflammation or redness. The analgesic effects of this essential oil are not harmful to the stomach lining so that you can use it for indigestion as well.

3) Thyme

Thyme essential oil has been used for thousands of years as an antiviral remedy. It will use to treat a variety of conditions. Thyme essential oil works on the respiratory system to clear phlegm and mucous from the body, thereby curing congestion.

One of thyme's best properties is its ability to eliminate viruses from your body. Inhaling thyme oil vapor will stimulate nervous functions, which increases brain activity and improves memory.

4) Lemon

Lemon essential oil is another powerful essential oil that can promote long life. The lemon fruit should be use for centuries because of its healing properties. It has anti-bacterial and antifungal properties that effectively treat skin infections like scabies, athlete's foot, and acne. Lemon essential oil is antioxidant which means it can help slow down the process of cellular aging.

5) Rosemary

Rosemary extract, a potent extract from rosemary leaves, contains rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, giving your brain a healthy boost. Inhaling rosemary essential oil helps to improve your blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels in the brain. You will have increased energy with regular use of rosemary oil.

6) Frankincense

Frankincense is a type of tree resin that has been used for thousands of years as incense, perfume, and medicine. Ancient Egypt had great respect for the healing powers of frankincense

Frankincense essential oil is very beneficial because it contains anti-inflammatory properties that help treat skin conditions like rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Some studies conducted by medical experts show frankincense's breast cancer-fighting properties, so if you have this form of health condition. You might want to consider using essential oil.

7) Myrtle

Myrtle is a kind of tree that grows in mild climates. It has a fantastic ability to fight bacteria and fungus infections. The essential oil from myrtle leaves will use as a natural insect repellent. Inhaling myrtle oil vapor improves your memory, concentration, alertness, and focus. Its anti-inflammatory properties also make it effective against skin conditions like pimples, rashes, and red spots. You can use myrtle essential oil for aromatherapy, topical application, or inhalation.

Wrapping Up!

Essential oils contain many healing properties that can help you improve your health and extend your life. Some essential oils such as peppermint and lemon can be powerful stimulants, while others like frankincense and myrtle are calming.

You should make sure to use them properly so they won't irritate the skin. As long as you take care of yourself, live a healthy life through proper nutrition, exercise, good hygiene, relaxation, etc., you have every chance of living a long life!



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