How Does Satellite Tracking of Wildlife Contribute to Environmental Causes?

Issues like global warming, forest fires, oil spills in oceans, and a bundle of other environmental hazards contributing to the endangerment of wildlife habitats and wildlife itself are not new to any of us. The damages done to our plant either through Australian bushfires, Amazon fire or any other similar unfortunate incident are undeniable, and the effected regions are hard to be restored.

However, kudos to the technology that has enabled us to lessen the consequences of such massive environmental degradations. Many inventions are done to protect and restore the natural environment of our planet and ensuring the safety of wildlife. For instance, just as a solar-powered security camera is contributing to saving some of the electricity, satellite tracking of wildlife is playing its part to conserve the environment.

How does the tracking system work?

To know the benefits of satellite tracking of wildlife, firstly we must understand how this technology works. The tracking system is introduce in the late ’90s to study animal population, their health issues, for tracking their migrations, etc. the information collects then used to know about the biodiversity, land, and climate changes. A tracking device or tag attach to the animal under study which then sends information to the satellite via radio transmission.

The tag can attach to the animal’s necks or limbs particularly ankles, via the collar. If an animal’s neck is not feasible for this purpose like of pigs the device is often harness so that the subject cant removes it. Likewise, the tracking devices are also direct attach to the animals either by being glue or by being tape. The data is often collect in pre-set intervals that are known as ‘duty cycles’ to save the battery of the device, thus, prolonging their lifespan. Some devices are program to drop off after a certain time period, otherwise, they are retrieving manually by recapturing the animal.

What Benefits does Satellite Tracking offer for the environmental causes?

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The data collect through satellite tracking systems aid environmentalists, biologists, and researches. In setting up new strategies for the well-being of wildlife and the planet. Be it marine life or we want to know about the habitat and species on the ground, this technology facilitates us in all domains.

Migration and Breeding:

The movements and migration of animals will be monitor closely. The change in habitat, if out of pattern can indicate a threat in their natural habitat timely. The measures to conserve it will be take beforehand. Another purpose is to see what McCauley calls ‘landscape risks’ i.e. the safety of the human population, residing. Near wildlife habitats can be ensur, keeping in view the increasing human developments. Likewise, the breeding patterns and the rate at which specific species of animals is increasing or decreasing can help us take precautionary measures to either control the population or to conserve the endanger ones while keeping the taste of wild intact.

Prevention of Diseases:

Animals transmit diseases through zoonotic pathogens to which humans are more likely to fell prey. Just as the recent coronavirus outbreak in China that is suspect to have been transmit by an animal. A bird and had size the entire country.  Another common example of such a massive threat includes bubonic plague. Which is calling to kill 30 to 60 percent of the European population. Satellite tracking of wildlife is essential to prevent any such outbreak by timely taking the measures to prevent it.

Monitoring Climate Change and Its Effects:

Climate change is a threat to both animals and humans equally. The way animals react to climate changes helps us to know what will be expect in the future.  The change in migration cycles has led scientists to study the condition of the ozone layer. Which part of the earth is more prone to damage due to the thinning of the ozone layer. Likewise, the pace with which icebergs are melting. Leading to a rise in sea levels. Wow it is endangering the wildlife in the arctic region can all be debated with evidential support.

Data collect through satellite tracking ultimately help us persuade. Warn everyone about climate change and genuinely destructive it can be if precautionary measures are not take. Therefore, awareness about environmental degradation can lead us to a better. Environment-friendly future, thus ensuring the safety of our future generations.


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