Liberty students thank first-responders after lockdown


Liberty High School students are saying thank you to the men and women who came to their rescue during a vulnerable time.

Armed with boxes and baked goods, Liberty High School students are saying thank you.

"To show our appreciation for the police officers that showed up at the lock down of Liberty High School," said Liberty student Sunny Dhillon.

April 16th's report of an armed gunman in the Bethlehem school turned out to be a hoax, but hundreds of emergency personnel responded.

Liberty teachers and students say even though they were in lock down, knowing the emergency responders were taking care of the situation made them feel safer.

This is just a token of their gratitude.

"We wanted to go a little further than just shaking hands because they deserve more than that for being there for us," said Dhillon.

"A personal thank you to say we know you run in when everyone else runs out," said teacher Gail Norf.

The students dropped off baskets to police, fire and other emergency personnel, at each stop, the reaction was pretty much the same.

See the rest here:

Liberty students thank first-responders after lockdown

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