Liberty Ranch makes name at State FFA

Liberty Ranch High School FFA is relatively new to the FFA organization, but this year all 4,500 attendees will remember Liberty Ranch as an FFA organization that has arrived, as their Parliamentary Procedure team came in first in the whole state of California, and teacher Mandy Garner beat out all the regional competition to be awarded State Star Advisor.

Brandon Denier was also the State FFA proficiency winner for goat production.

Liberty FFA president Annelise Wipfli really enjoyed her time competing at the state competition in Fresno.

The best part of state conference was being able to spend time with my chapter while meeting new members from around the state and attending sessions that were filled with excitement, guest speakers and powerful purposes.

The Liberty Ranch FFA state-winning Advanced Parliamentary Procedures team consisted of seven members. Olivia Montalvo, Alternate; Kelsey ODonoghue, Chair 5; Ryan Van Houten, Chair 4; Brian Dodson, Coach; Madison Owning, Chair 3; Jessica Pearson, Chairman; Chase Steele, Chair 2; and Brooke Hinders, Chair 1 spent many hours preparing with advisor Bryan Dodson. Winning individual awards on the team were Madison Owning for Outstanding High Individual Chair 3, Kelsey ODonoghue for Outstanding High Individual Chair 5, and Outstanding High Individual President was won by Chair Jessica Pearson.

Pearson was filled with pride for her Parli Pro winning team.

It is an amazing feeling to see that hard work really does pay off, said Pearson. I am very blessed to have accomplished this with some of the most amazing people in the world, my team.

Denier spent hours studying up on goats, and it paid off as he won State Proficiency.

I would like to thank my parents, the best Ag teacher Ms. Clement for her hours of hard work, our ranch veterinarian Dr. Webster for teaching me all the veterinarian information you need to know about goats, and the state and national sponsors, said Denier.

Montalvo was one of the seven members of the Liberty Ranch Parli Pro team.

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Liberty Ranch makes name at State FFA

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