Liberty Gold Announces 'Visible Gold' in Initial Samples on Their Arizona Property

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire -09/05/12)- Liberty Gold, Corp. (LBGO) has announced that they have 'visible metallics and gold' from bulk samplings taken from their properties. Initial samples were collected from 5 different locations within the Domestic Portfolio holdings to determine whether, once processed, visible gold was present at 3 different screen sizes: 100 minus, 50 minus and 25 minus. Samples from each of the 5 different locations resulted in the detection of visible metallics.

Lynn Harrison, Liberty Gold's President and CEO is encouraged by the results of the samplings and will now proceed with larger samplings to assess the full mineral potential of the property. The company has also recently announced the doubling of their Alaska claim.

In June 2012, Goldman Sachs updated its forecast on the gold price to US$ 1,940.- within the following 12 months, i.e. by mid of 2013. Barclays Capital expects a gold price of US$ 1,790.- in the fourth quarter of 2012, while Morgan Stanley now predicts gold prices to be on a level of US$ 2,000.- during that quarter.

Other active metal mining stocks are: Great Northern Iron Ore (GNI), Kaiser Aluminum (KALU) and Commercial Metals Co (CMC)

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See the original post here:

Liberty Gold Announces 'Visible Gold' in Initial Samples on Their Arizona Property

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