liberty | Definition of liberty in English by Oxford Dictionaries

nounmass noun

1The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behaviour, or political views.

compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty

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independence, freedom, autonomy, sovereignty, self government, self rule, self determination, home rule

people who attacked phone boxes would lose their liberty

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free, on the loose, loose, set loose, at large, unconfined, roaming

the Bill of Rights was intended to secure basic civil liberties

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right, birthright, opportunity, facility, prerogative, entitlement, privilege, permission, sanction, leave, consent, authorization, authority, licence, clearance, blessing, dispensation, exemption, faculty

the Statue of Liberty

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2The power or scope to act as one pleases.

individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own preferences

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freedom, independence, free rein, freeness, licence, self-determination

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3informal count noun A presumptuous remark or action.

how did he know what she was thinking?it was a liberty!


act with overfamiliarity, act with familiarity, show disrespect, act with impropriety, act indecorously, be impudent, commit a breach of etiquette, act with boldness, act with impertinence, show insolence, show impudence, show presumptuousness, show presumption, show forwardness, show audacity, be unrestrained

he was at liberty for three months before he was recaptured

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free, on the loose, loose, set loose, at large, unconfined, roaming

2Allowed or entitled to do something.

he's not at liberty to discuss his real work

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free, permitted, allowed, authorized, able, entitled, eligible, fit

1Behave in an unduly familiar manner towards a person.

you've taken too many liberties with me

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act with overfamiliarity, act with familiarity, show disrespect, act with impropriety, act indecorously, be impudent, commit a breach of etiquette, act with boldness, act with impertinence, show insolence, show impudence, show presumptuousness, show presumption, show forwardness, show audacity, be unrestrained

2Treat something freely, without strict faithfulness to the facts or to an original.

the scriptwriter has taken few liberties with the original narrative

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Venture to do something without first asking permission.

I took the liberty of checking out a few convalescent homes for him

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Late Middle English: from Old French liberte, from Latin libertas, from liber free.

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liberty | Definition of liberty in English by Oxford Dictionaries

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