Jindal gives speech on defending religious liberty


Gov. Bobby Jindal delivered a speech Thursday evening at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library where he expressed his belief in the importance of defending religious liberty.

Jindal outlined the attacks on religious liberty, including from Obama's administration, and he offered solutions to fight against these efforts. Below are his remarks in their entirety.

Speech provided by the office of Gov. Bobby Jindal:

Thank youit's an honor to speak hereI've been looking forward to this night.

I have spoken out aggressively in recent months about the disastrous effects of Obamacare, about our dire need to reform American education, and about the urgency for our country to re-endorse the concept of growing our economy that President Reagan so uniquely championed. These are issues of great importance, essential for the future of America.

But tonight, I'm going to talk to you about an entirely different topic, and that topic may surprise you. Tonight I want to give a speech I've never given before, about an issue lurking just beneath the surface that issue is The Silent War on Religious Liberty.

I can think of no better place to give this speech than the Ronald Reagan Foundation and Library. President Reagan himself said that, "Freedom is not the sole prerogative of a chosen few, but the universal right of all God's children."

When he said this, he was not expressing a strictly personal belief in the nature of man as a created being as a child of God. He was reaffirming the most basic contention of the American Founding, set forth in the Declaration of Independence, that we are a nation constituted in accordance with the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God," and that we are a people "endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights."

Let me make this explicit: the source and justification for the very existence of the United States of America is and always has been contingent upon the understanding of man as a created being, with a Creator conferring his intrinsic rights "among [them] Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

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Jindal gives speech on defending religious liberty

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