Information Sought in Investigation into Deaths of Liberty German and Abigail Williams – Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog)

Members of our community may have information to assist in this investigation. We are making a direct appeal to members of this community who may have information but are unaware or unsure of its significance or assume law enforcement may already have the information.

Often someone in the community will unknowingly be associated with the individual or individuals who committed the crime and may be in a position to observe behavioral changes in that person. They will recognize the changes, and may even question the person about it, but may not connect the changes to that persons involvement in the crime.

On Monday, February 13, the individual or individuals responsible for these crimes may have been absent from work, missed or cancelled appointments or social engagements, or been unavailable or unresponsive during the afternoon period. They may have been a no-show or offered a plausible excuse for their absence or tardiness such as, illness, death in the family, car trouble, etc.

Since that time, the individual or individuals may have exhibited some of the following:

It is important to know that the exhibition of one or more of these behavioral changes alone are not indicative of ones involvement in a crime. These behavioral characteristics or changes are being shared so that the public may be sensitive to them and may bring forth possible helpful information. If you have any information that you feel may be of use in this investigation, please contact us the tip line at (844) 459-5786 or via e-mail to

Here is the original post:

Information Sought in Investigation into Deaths of Liberty German and Abigail Williams - Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release) (blog)

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