Immigration Activists Hang ‘Refugees Welcome’ Sign on Statue of Liberty – Fox News Insider

Immigration activists unfurled a sign that read "Refugees Welcome" from the observation deck of the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday.

The 20-foot by 3-foot red and white banner was hung near the statue's base soon after the Department of Homeland Security announceda host of immigration enforcement changes ordered by President Donald Trump, including expediting deportations of "criminal illegal immigrants" and the hiring of 15,000 immigration enforcement officials.

The groupAlt Lady Liberty claimed responsibility for the banner, sayingthe act was a "reminder" that welcoming immigrants and refugees is integral to America's core values, according to CNN.

The message of the Statue of Liberty is unmistakable.

This banner ought to make it clear 2 @realDonaldTrump #RefugeesWelcome#NoBanNoWall

Alt Lady Liberty (@AltStatLiberty) February 21, 2017

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The sign was removed by park authorities after about an hour, which allowed photos to circulate online -- sparking a social media firestorm for and against the protest.

I believe the Statue of Liberty actually has a plaque on it that says refugees are welcome.

Kat Godspell (@KatGodspell) February 22, 2017

The statue has always sybolized hope for immigrants 'Refugees Welcome' banner hung on Lady Liberty #SUsocialwork

Alexandra Young (@ayoungsowk17) February 22, 2017

CLUELESS LIBERALS HANG Refugees Welcome Sign On Statue Of LibertyHeres Why Theyre All Wrong [Video]

Fayber Miller (@suppfortrump) February 22, 2017

'Refugees Welcome' banner illegally placed on Statue of Liberty, who does that happen? Immigrats were legally here

The TRUMP Effect (@Truth_Lost13) February 22, 2017

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Immigration Activists Hang 'Refugees Welcome' Sign on Statue of Liberty - Fox News Insider

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