Ari Force Comment terms – Video

Ari Force Comment terms
Tern that are commonly used in the Air Force Common Air Force Terms: *WG = Week Group You will notice the reference to week groups. For example WG 12033. Here is how to break it down: 12 = the year 2012 033 = the 33rd week of the Air Force Fiscal year which begins in October *AB = Airman Basic, the rank your Trainee while in Basic Military Training *ABU = Airman Battle Uniform *AF= Air Force *Airman = is the earned title given to your son or daughter when awarded the Airman #39;s Coin. This title is referred to all men and women in the AF regardless of rank. *Base Liberty = Privilege granted by trainee #39;s Military Training Instructor to visit on-base facilities and enjoy free time from the training environment. *BMT = Basic Military Training *BMT RC = Basic Military Training Reception Center *BX = Base Exchange *DoD = Department of Defense *FLT = Flight, a group of trainees that are training together and dwell in the same dormitory, approximately consisting of 45-60 trainees. *MTI = Military Training Instructor *Retreat = Signals the end of the official duty day and serves as a ceremony for paying respect to the US flag. Retreat sounds at 5:00 PM every day. When the music sounds and you are outside stop what you are doing and face the sound of the music. If in a vehicle, stop driving and sit quietly until the music is over. *Reveille = signals the start of the official duty day. *SQ = Squadron *Town Pass = Privilege granted by MTI for your Trainee to go out on the town ...From:Luz IrizarryViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:59More inEducation

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