Robert Burke: As Libertarian, I'm headed forward in the other direction

My name is Robert Burke. I am running for governor of Wisconsin, and I need your vote. Our current two-party system is broken, and as my counterpart in Minnesota says, this year we need to "Vote Differently." Who we send to Madison and Washington, D.C., is irrelevant because the machine of the two-party system is in control. Money, influence and corruption are the flavor of every day, and it needs to change. We do this one by one. It's slow and it's messy, but in the end it will be well worth the fight freedom is always worth the fight. Many have perished in America's quest for that freedom, and our blindness to the truth disrespects those sacrifices.

Libertarianism is different in that all candidates follow a set of principles laid out in our platform, which you can find at Everyone running for office follows these principles and we have a committee whose job it is to review our voting record and hold our elected officials accountable to the voters who put them in office. Should our elected officials stray too far from these principles we will eject them from the party, because unlike the red and blue team, Libertarians arent afraid to hold our elected officials accountable just to hold a seat. These principles say you are free and that the proper role of government is in the protection of those freedoms and your personal property. These principles are not subject to special events or situations and they are not open for compromise. When you vote for a Libertarian you will get a Libertarian limited government, maximum freedom.

In 2012, I recognized there was a problem and left the red team. I started a political party in my local community, and held educational events, walked the parades, and visited people at our county fairs. I joined the state party and helped organize the workings and co-chaired the largest state convention in our history. Last fall, I wrote our campaign plan and recruited 11 people to join me on the ballot, and together we represent one of the largest third-party slates in recent history. I took responsibility and stepped to the head of the ticket.

This is leadership.

We live every two years from crisis election to crisis election, and thats how the two party system likes things. You have to vote for the red team or the blue team wins; you have to vote for the blue team or the red team wins. It's time to stop living in a manufactured fear created by this red/blue paradigm. Throughout the history of the world, freedom has always meant better lives for people. This year, don't waste your vote on the lesser of two evils: Peace and freedom are among your choices.

Vote Robert Burke-Libertarian this fall because nothing gets the attention of the powers that be than leaving their ranks. FORWARD IS IN THE OTHER DIRECTION. Im headed that way if youre interested.

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Robert Burke: As Libertarian, I'm headed forward in the other direction

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